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70 Powerful Birth Affirmations & Printable Birth Affirmation Cards

Writer: Clara O'RourkeClara O'Rourke

Updated: Nov 16, 2022

What Are Birth Affirmations?

Affirmations are a powerful tool to use in pregnancy, labor, and birth. Birth affirmations are positive statements about yourself and the birth process. The purpose of birth affirmations is to repeat statements that get you into an ideal mindset for labor. While repeating positive statements might seem a little heady or strange if you're not used to the concept, the effectiveness of affirmations is actually proven in research!

Affirmations can stand alone or they can be coupled with other practices like movement and deep breathing. Hypnobirthing, for example, often includes controlled breathing, guided visualizations, and a focus on positive works and thoughts.

How to Use Birth Affirmations

I recommend reading through the list of 70 positive birth affirmations provided below. Take note of affirmations that resonate with you. Get the printable birth affirmation cards, write them down, or store them on your phone. Starting at least 4 weeks before your due date, begin practicing these daily coupled with deep breathing or an activity that is relaxing for you. You might even have your partner or friend read them to you.

When your labor begins, these affirmations will be ingrained in your memory and associated with feelings of relaxation and peace. When you begin to recite them (in your head or our load) during labor they should have a calming effect. During labor, you might ask for your support person, partner, or doula to read them off to you to help focus and guide you.

Printing Affirmation Cards

I have incorporated 70 of my favorite birth affirmations into a printable digital download. The downloadable birth affirmation cards include PDF and JPEG files so you can print them at home or with a local print shop. There are color and black and white versions available. The JPEG files can be added as an album to your phone for easy access on the go. These birth affirmations are gender-inclusive so that all birthing people can utilize them.

70 Birth Affirmations

  1. I surrender with confidence to this process

  2. I am strong and capable. I trust my instincts to know what I need for my labor

  3. I am the power, strength, and intensity of my contractions (waves/ surges)

  4. I relax and allow birth to unfold

  5. My body is opening wide for my baby to descend

  6. My body is miraculous

  7. The experience of labor and birth is a great gift

  8. I breathe slowly and deeply to relax my muscles and bring oxygen to our baby

  9. My body was uniquely designed to do this

  10. Relax, open, breathe

  11. My ancestors are with me and provide me with the wisdom to move through birth

  12. I have a voice and a choice

  13. I am proud of myself

  14. I am strong, beautiful, and capable. I accept myself completely.

  15. I am completely relaxed

  16. I trust the wisdom of my body

  17. My body knows exactly what to do

  18. I'm riding the wave

  19. I trust my body to birth my baby

  20. I am thankful that each contraction (wave, surge) brings me closer to meeting my baby

  21. I trust my ability to birth my baby

  22. I am deserving of an easy, uncomplicated birth

  23. I visualize my baby moving gently through the sacred passageway

  24. I visualize an easy, peaceful, joyous, and pleasurable birth

  25. My baby is happy and healthy

  26. I am in complete surrender of my body and my baby

  27. My courage and patience will deliver my baby into my arms

  28. My birth is a moment to hold hands with the Divine

  29. 300,000 people will be giving birth with me today.

  30. My body is made to give birth

  31. My vulva expands as my baby descends

  32. My baby is born with pure pleasure

  33. I have courage, faith, and patience

  34. I feel safe, I am safe

  35. My body will give birth in its own time

  36. I give birth in safety and solitude

  37. I do not fight the birth in any way. My body is relaxed

  38. I tap into my innate wisdom and give birth in the way I desire

  39. I am ready and prepared for my birthing experience

  40. I visualize myself surrendering. I feel my body softening into labor

  41. Everything is good and right

  42. I feel the waves of labor and know that everything is progressing normally

  43. I relax my mind and my muscles

  44. It's time to release my baby. It is time to open

  45. Keep breathing. Inhale peace, exhale tension

  46. I focus my mind on acceptance and surrender

  47. I surrender my birthing over to my baby and my body

  48. I love my baby and I am doing all that is necessary to bring about a healthy birth

  49. Birth is an easy and natural occurrence for which my body has been perfectly designed

  50. I am ready and prepared for childbirth

  51. I am joining a lineage of those who have already done this before. I can do this

  52. I let birth com through me

  53. I see myself handling everything beautifully

  54. I dance my baby down with each sensation

  55. Each contraction (wave, surge) produces a sensation that I can handle

  56. Birth will go exactly as it should

  57. My body is guided by a divine hormonal blueprint. There is no flaw

  58. I trust the perfect timing of this birth and let go of fear and control

  59. I deserve this wonderful birth

  60. I trust my instincts

  61. I am present. I am doing this. We are doing this.

  62. I am surrounded by love and support

  63. The same love and desire I feel toward life I feel toward my baby’s birth

  64. My baby trusts me, and I trust this process

  65. I have great trust in myself and my capabilities

  66. Birth is powerful. I am powerful

  67. I am fierce but flexible.

  68. Waiting for the birth of my baby is an experience of serene joy.

  69. The strength of these sensations is a sign of my feminine strength

  70. I have grown this baby and with all my might I release her

Which affirmations resonate most with you? Share in the comments below!

Save this image on Pinterest for future reference!


a free gift for you!

Ease your labor pains naturally without asking for an epidural.


Meet the Author

Clara O'Rourke (she hers),
Holistic Doula & Childbirth Educator.

I am a researcher turned total birth nerd with a passion for supporting people birth in their full power! I guide people through their pregnancy, labor, and postpartum journey by helping them overcome fear or anxiety about birth, providing evidence-based information so they can make informed decisions, and making sure they have everything they need to birth with confidence. Birth is sacred and it should be treated that way. I am committed to providing support for birth and beyond, regardless of a person's background, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or relationship status. También ofrezco mis servicios en español. I wish you and your growing family the brightest of beginnings!

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